Executive Agreement Is Also Called

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What Is an Executive Agreement?

An executive agreement is a formal agreement between two or more nations, which is made by the head of one government without requiring the approval of its legislative branch. Executive agreements are typically less formal and less comprehensive than treaties, but they carry the same weight and have the same legal standing as treaties.

Executive agreements are often used to establish and maintain diplomatic relations between countries, to negotiate trade agreements, and to address other important issues that affect international relations.

What Are Some Other Names for Executive Agreements?

Executive agreements are also sometimes called executive arrangements or executive understandings. These terms are essentially interchangeable, and they refer to the same kind of agreement made by the executive branch of a government without the involvement of its legislative branch.

In some countries, such as the United States, executive agreements are also called executive orders. However, this term is generally used to refer to formal orders issued by the head of the executive branch to direct the activities of the government, rather than to describe international agreements between nations.

How Do Executive Agreements Differ from Treaties?

Executive agreements differ from treaties in several key ways. First, unlike treaties, executive agreements do not require the approval of a nation`s legislative branch. This means that they can be negotiated and concluded more quickly and with greater flexibility than treaties.

Second, executive agreements are typically less formal and less comprehensive than treaties. They may be limited to a specific area of cooperation or concern, or they may be more broadly focused on establishing and maintaining diplomatic relations between nations.

Finally, while treaties are generally considered to be binding international law, executive agreements may or may not have the same legal status, depending on the specific provisions of the agreement and the laws of the countries involved.


In conclusion, an executive agreement is a formal agreement between two or more nations, which is made by the head of one government without requiring the approval of its legislative branch. Executive agreements are also known as executive arrangements or executive understandings, and they are typically less formal and less comprehensive than treaties. While they may not carry the same legal weight as treaties, executive agreements are an important tool in maintaining diplomatic relations and addressing international issues.

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